Saturday, February 25, 2012


Ps. 18:1-2 [Amp.]

I love you fervently and devotedly,
O Lord, my Strength.

The Lord is my Rock, my Fortress,
and my Deliverer;
my God, my keen and firm Strength
in Whom I will trust and take refuge,
my Shield, and the Horn of my salvation,
my High Tower.


Deidra said...

Oh my! Where was this photo taken? It looks like something I saw last week in Arizona!

Thoughts for the day said...

When we allow his love to touch us, then we can allow him to be our rock, wonderful picture.

Nancy said...

What a great reminder that God is our rock and that He protects us all the time...

Kerry said...

Wow! Thanks for the reminder that He protects and cares for us!

S. Etole said...

Oh, yes! That He is.

Laura Rath said...

The Lord is my Rock -- I just love that! When nothing else in life seems stable, God is always stable. He's our never-changing foundation.

Anonymous said...

What a great photo and scripture to go with it! So glad HE is my rock!

a joyful noise said...

He is my rock and the God of my Salvation!

betty-NZ said...

That's a beautiful photo for the fantastic verse. Well done!

Aleta Schrock said...

Those are powerful words. Thank you.

Beth said...

One of my favorite scriptures---I lean on these words a lot.