Monday, December 12, 2016


     A year ago today it was indicated to have me drive in at a hospital.  A hospital teaching lady that was in a place to check drivers situations, and I was told to be there, b/c I'd been told by a few people to go there.  They were worried re: me, b/c my dementia and my 2 canes and my misunderstanding was what I was supposed to be there.  I THOUGHT I'd be able to drive, b/c I haven't broken into any of the streets or towns in our area.  The Lord has used me to drive and worship and pray re: the demonic situations.  I was too tired and sleeping too long at night so I couldn't drive around about to other states... especially when I would go to the Northwest area nearly every year to see family and friends since I was born and raised there... I couldn't go around after another year ago.  Then, all I could do was drive around Omaha and other nearby towns and to focus historically re: what has happened in about a thousand years ago where other gods were worshiped and people were sacrificed to those other gods.  Anyhow, now I can't drive.  My husband has driven me around a couple times a week. He works fixing much at our church and at other churches he's playing piano and organ.  He doesn't have a lot of free time.  A couple gals have picked me up.  When the driving is taken around, I can pray and worship and glorify the Lord. 
       So, this is IT!  I can worship and pray and glorify and focus on the Lord and focus on Heaven.  So, this is the piece of our car for about 10 years and it was actually on the former car shortly before it for a few months.  It was re: my driving around and about and says: Roaming for God.

Sorry if I didn't write well enough.  Oh, well.... I'm tired all day and tired all night, so writing doesn't work very well.  I've been a writer, and reader, and an actress for years and years and years.  Now, I can't read very well, and can't write, and nothing else. .... AND all I can do is focus on the Lord!  HALLELUJAH!!!!!


a joyful noise said...

A friend of mine uses a map of the world to pray for nations, but a person could also use a MAP of their CITY to pray for your city. This is just a suggestion when you are not able to have someone drive you around. Your prayers are powerful and important even when you are not able to drive. Thank you for sharing with us here at Tell me a Story.

Saleslady371 said...

Hey, Joanne, I like that license plate! I am sure God hears every prayer you pray from a sincere, Jesus-loving heart! Hugs to you.

Wise Hearted said...

Love, Love , Love this post and the heart behind it. I am due to take my written test since I am 70 in January. I have fretted and worried that I will not be able to remember the answers I am trying to study. The glory of God shows when we become flexible to what ever situation we are in. Bless you. And Merry Christmas..

Unknown said...

And you just keep on keeping on, sister! I always appreciate your heart and personality that read like a bright sunshiny smile!

Praying for you and yours, Jo. Hang in there.