Sunday, August 25, 2013


Been a heavy-sigh time for me.  WHY?  For some reason, I can "see" the world-wide issues, the worshiping of other gods and goddesses, dividing the Word of Truth and how many are setting some of the Word aside in the reality of our present-day social issues.

Two friends were visiting me this week, different times, different days, and both for the first time in a few years.  One has been a friend for more than 25 years; the other I met July 4th, 2008.  This week I was reading Ezekiel the same days they were visiting. And both of these ladies, while not even talking about Ezekiel, said I was a "watchman".  They said that God uses me to see the consequences of our world, and that I need to be available to share His Word to deal with Truth.  They both also say I am prophetic, which, in a bit of a different manner than many others, I know I am.  Most of it is connected to a particular form of spiritual warfare in which  the Lord has been using me for at least 20 years.  

Anyhow, all of that, laid on my heart and spirit recently, is a HUGE reminder that I need to step up to the top of the wall and the tower, keep an eye out and about to see what's going on, and be prepared to speak His Word whenever He lays it in my heart, and to fight the Enemy so people will be freer, and clearer, and moving nearer and nearer to Him.

This is not a "sweetness and light" post.  This is one focused on the serious side of reality.  My God-job here...forever.  Been a human fighter -- emotionally and physically --  in childhood; now a spiritual fighter for the rest of my earthly life.

HE is what counts.  His WORD is what counts.  Nothing else can.  

OH, and we have different God-jobs in our world, in and through eternity.  Some are truly the ones who pour blessings and encouragement around and about the world. Others are significant care-givers, both physically and spiritually.  So, focusing on Him, doing what He calls us to do, is all that counts for any, all of us.  All of us, forever and ever, must "watch and pray".  That's all we can rely upon.

Tell Me a Story


Floyd said...

I appreciate the heart and perspective that you write and wrote this from. God has called you to tell the hard truth that the world, including many Christians, don't want to hear. You speak and write from a heart of care and love plus you live in action the word of our Father. Bless you and your efforts, sister. I stand with and behind you.

Floyd said...
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Elizabeth said...

You're right. It is everyone's job to watch and pray, beside that each of us does have a job or jobs He has equipped us for - for His glory, not ours.
Thanks for the excellent reminder post.

caryjo said...

Shared by a friend in Ecuador. She wanted me to put it on my post. So, here 'tis:

Being a watchman is not an easy job. I was reading in Judges 6:34 and came across a sentence that 'stuck' with me. It says" And the Spirit of the Lord Clothed Gideon with Himself and took possession of him...(Amplified). That is where I want to matter how small we are...when we are clothed with Him we can get the 'job' done no matter how large it is or how frail we are.

a joyful noise said...

Yes the watchman sees what is happening and at times must blow the trumpet. Thank you for sharing at "Tell Me a Story."

Gayle said...

It sounds like you had confirmation on what the Lord has been speaking to you.