Wednesday, May 22, 2013


This was the Word that hit me today. I had it marked in my devotional with the date '07. Much seriousity was occurring in the lives of both my kids and many of my grandkids, especially Jack's kidney disease issues. I was in tears so much for weeks, months, years, from '05 to '08  ... but also relying upon the Lord to break through the situations with His encouragement. AND to simply know I am His servant, He is the Only One Who could/would pour hope back into my life. He has. 
AND when this photo was taken, I smiled. But there are a couple of others that were taken, nearly 38 years ago, when I wasn't just grinning with my kids, and sitting aside a bit, and I DIDN'T show any joy whatsoever.   I've kept those photos, but I sure don't have them framed!
But, joy re-occurred. Over these years, we/I can trust HIM more than I can trust the world, the culture, or me. He is "IT".

Yes, I AM His servant; He WILL not forget the promises He laid on me. 
 AND He will NOT forget the promises laid on me re: my children when preborn, then babies, teens, or adults. 
How do I know?  Because...         
       -------- My GOD is BIGGER!! -------

1 comment:

Floyd said...

That is a great picture. Agree with you completely about the promises of our Father. He is the perfect truth and our rest is in Him.