Sunday, December 11, 2011


From Utmost, Jan. 2 – “Have you been asking God what He is going to do? He will never tell you. God does not tell you what He is going to do; He reveals to you Who He is."

Our so-often question: “What do you want us to do with our lives?”

The answer is from the lips of the Ghost of Christmas Present from A Muppet Christmas

“Come up and know me better, man.

What to do with our lives? – Live for Him. Seek Him. Fill our minds with Him. Grow in Hi

How is that accomplished? Openin
g all of our senses, all of our selves to His Spirit – in whatever form that may take.

Does that mean hiding away from the world-at-large and becoming solitary, untouchable? Probably the opposite.

--- The Triune God gave The Spirit entity to convict, convince, comfort and counsel;

--- the Triune God gave The Father entity
to govern,
to dictate and “spre
ad his wings over
[us] as an eagle overspreads her young. She carries them upon her wings, as does the Lord His people.” Deut. 32:10-12;
to set the boundaries, to know when and how
“enough is e

--- The Triune God gave the Son -- a Holy, Loving, Father-Focused Servant -- a call opposite the life of a hermit, even a hermit
determined to focu
s his mental and
spiritual energies on Him.

--- The Triune God calls u
s to be out among
the hurting and the hopeless.
To provide refuge for
the homeless –
in spirit, soul, or body.
To fulfill the cry of M
atthew 25:
visit the hospitals and prisons, clothe the naked,
feed the hungry;
To fulfill the call of James 1:
27-- to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction.

And how is this done – individually and corporately – without becoming overwhelmed by the needs, without becoming hard and cynical wh
en confronted with people who are hard and cynical?

By hearing and heeding His call:

“Come up and know me better, man.”

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