Monday, March 13, 2017


      Dave and I and a grandson put the Christmas tree in early December.  It was a treat even then.  THEN a few of my friends sent me the Christmas cards and I put all of them onto the tree, also.  I truly thought we would have it taken down in early February.  Usually we do it that way.  Well, Dave just said "no" to me, so I was waiting and waiting.  I thought it might be whenever he felt like it to get onto it.  SO, he told me yesterday that it will be taken on Monday.  Well, it was done.   I just want to show some of it just as I took the pictures today.  So, it was as a Christmas tree for about 3-1/2 months.  I loved it... every day and every time. 
     Hope my friends and sisters and others will smile, b/c they gave me the Christmas card.  Here's a wonderful portion of it! 

   So blessing and love entered my heart again today. I'll smile forever!


Unknown said...

Well, I've never heard of keeping a Christmas tree up for that long, but I think it's a great idea! That's one way of keeping our Savior at the forefront of our mind!

Lux G. said...

Ha that's nice. I know some homes actually where the Christmas decors go all year round.