Sunday, January 22, 2012


It's been a number of years since I've been in another country, serving the Lord, doing what I am called to do. Uganda, Costa Rica, Morocco -- in their nations; Bhutan, India, Sudan -- inside mine. Should be satisfied and content.


At church today a missions couple who are visiting from China were
sharing about their "God-job" over there. They mentioned the details of their mission work and their training and helping of others. They shared how a Tibetan had come to the Lord in their school...just shy of a miraculous miracle. What was my reaction? "WHEN CAN I GO??" [Have studied Chinese missions history for over 40 years.]

Yesterday I was looking at a World Vision list of countries with photos of both missionaries and nationalists serving the Lord and helping in very strong ways... sometimes the "strong ways" being simply to hold and help warmly and caringly. What was my reaction? WHEN CAN I GO??
[One of the first books I read after my salvation was the original World Vision book written in 1960: Let My Heart Be Broken... by the things that break the heart of God.]

I read blog posts from various places in the world... most of the continents, and many nations. And even as I read them what is often my reaction or response? ... WHEN CAN I GO??

Now, I realize, reading books, hearing stories, "seeing" the results of the sharing of the Word of God with others, helping, doing.... not all of us can do it everywhere all the time. I know that. My head knows that. My heart knows it... a beat at a time. My spirit knows the Lord is the One who calls the right people to the right place at the right time.

In spite of that basic knowledge ... today, while listening to this couple share with our congregation, my heart/soul/spirit reaction was/is: WHEN...CAN...I...GO???


Anonymous said...

I like this Joanne! Can definitely relate. Bless you!

Sandra Heska King said...

I love how He's placed this heart throb in you.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I checked it out. what spirit-filled blog you have! thank you.

Mary said...

he knows your hearts desire, and since your heart and spirit still feel the pull so strongly, keep your eyes and heart open...but Jo, God uses you mightily here...

grace and peace

Cris Ferreira said...

Jo, it's so encouraging to read this. I too am praying about an opportunity to go and help others in need, but I have no experience in mission trips like that. And reading your testimony makes me also want to go.
I am sure that God has the perfect time and the perfect opportunity waiting for both os uf. But waiting is not easy, is it?