Thursday, April 19, 2012


I was born July 9, 1945, in Portland, Oregon. I was actually a few weeks early. In those days, early birth was a real challenge and I was kept in the hospital for a couple extra weeks.

The first photos after birth were taken on August 1st.

Then, at one month, one day, the next photo was taken on August 10th.

The day before the photo, the atomic bombing had ended in Japan. And, depending on the historic opinion, V-J day occurred 4 days later.

I honestly don't know how quickly people received world-wide news in those days, so, even though my parents lived in an intense military part of our country on the west coast, they might not have known wh
at was going on.

And then there was "me". Came at a right and wrong and stressful time, both involving family and world-wide history.

Today I was scanning photos from an album Mom had put together back in those "old da
ys", and, when I saw the dates, it jumped in that I could toss the pics and tell people just how important it was to be born at that date and time.

Since salvation, I've grown to not doubt that the Lord's timing for my birth, earlier than doctor a
nd parental expectation, was definitely His choice. And it reminds me often that I had begun my life at what has become one of my main mottoes, buried in my heart by Him:

Right place, Right time.

[AND, this is my first official photographic personality identification.]


Unknown said...

You were a cute baby!!! Thanks for the history bit and i do like your life motto too as i do always remind myself and the people that i lead to follow it in order to have peace, joy and satisfaction/fulfillment

S. Etole said...

What a treasure to have those photos considering the year that we were born.

Amy Nabors said...

What wonderful photos to have from your childhood!

Gayle said...

An interesting thought and truth about how we were born at the right time.

Aleta Schrock said...

How cute! That last photo made me smile. And yes. How perfect the Lord's timing is.